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Academic Programs

Hampstead Elementary

English Core Program

In our English Core Program, kindergarten students are speaking and learning the French language during 10% of classroom time. Introducing the French language gradually so students can learn at a more relaxed pace.

For grades 1 through 6, this increases to 30% of class time dedicated to French language instruction. 

Québec Education Program

All students pursue studies in the approved Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport Québec Education Program (QEP) for Preschool Education and Elementary Education. The Québec Education Program Curriculum is seemlessly integrated into our French Second Language and Success for All Programs.

Preschool and Elementary Education Program

The Québec Education Program divides elementary education into three two-year cycles. This organizational model takes into account the need for a long-term approach in developing competencies. It corresponds better to the students’ learning rate and permits more differentiated teaching practices. In addition,it makes possible the formation of teams of teachers, who may stay with a class for more than one year, providing pedagogical support and evaluating learning.

On a simple level, the program is comprised of four components; a kindergarten education program, cross-curricular competencies, broad areas of learning, and academic subject areas. All of its components have the same purpose, which is to ensure the comprehensive development of the students in a synergistic, interactive way and should form a unified whole in a learning situation.

Preschool (Kindergarten) Education

Kindergarten education has a threefold mandate: to serve asa rite of passage that gives children a liking for school; to foster children’s overall development by motivating them to exploit their full potential; and to lay the social and cognitive ground work that will prepare children for their future schooling and enable them to continue to learn throughout their lives.

The Kindergarten Education program fosters children’s overall development by developing six closely linked compentencies

  • To develop motor skills through active play and daily physical exercise.
  • To affirm his or her personality and emotional development by building self-esteem.
  • To interact harmoniously with others and learn to resolve conflicts.
  • To communicate using the resources of oral and written language.
  • To construct his or her understanding of the world by observations, experimentation and interaction.
  • To develop work methods by participating in individual, team or class projects.

Cross-Curricular Competencies

The Québec Education Program is characterized by its competency-based approach and its focus on the learning process. Knowledge is organized in terms of competencies to make learning meaningful and open-ended for students.

The Québec Education Program contains four categories of cross-curricular competencies:

  • Intellectual competencies: To use information to solve problems, to exercise critical judgment and to use creativity.
  • Methodological competencies: To adopt effective work methods, to use information and communications technologies.
  • Personal and social competencies: To construct his/her identity and to cooperate with others.
  • Communication-related competencies: To communicate appropriately with others.

Broad Areas of Learning

The broad areas of learning help students relate subject-specific knowledges to their daily concerns and thus give them a better grasp of reality. There are five broad areas of learning in the Québec Education Program:

  • Health and Well Being
  • Personal and Career Planning
  • Environmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
  • Media Literacy and Citizenship
  • Community Life

Academic Subject Areas

Within the Elementary Education Program, there are 14 programs (courses) of study organized into the following five subject areas:

  • Languages (English Core Program)
  • Mathematics
  • Science and Technology
  • Social Sciences
  • Arts Education
  • Personal Development

Hampstead Academic Programs

Elementary Education Program Icon
Elementary Education Program
General information on the Elementary Education Program

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English Core Icon
English Core
The English Core Program offers 68% of English instruction and 32% of French instruction…

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Preschool (Kindergarten) Education Icon
Preschool Education (Kindergarten for 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds)

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