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Willingdon Elementary School Records French Theme Jingle for Campaign

As part of Le Mois du français à la CSEM, which will take place throughout January at the English Montreal School Board, the Willingdon Elementary School choir, led by  Director Nick Batzios, created a special jingle to serve as the campaign’s theme song.

Students across the EMSB were challenged to put the theme of Être bilingue, C’est gagnant to music.

The winning students from Willingdon School will also receive the opportunity to professionally record their jingle with the help of SophistOccasion Showband. The jingle will also serve as the EMSB on-hold message in 2023.

Special thanks goes out to Nicolas Doyon, an EMSB pedagogical dance, drama, music and visual arts consultant, for his assistance.

You can listen to the song here:

About the English Montreal School Board

With a youth and adult sector population of more than 35,000 students, the English Montreal School Board (EMSB) is the largest English public school board in Quebec. Established on July 1, 1998, when the province created new boards along linguistic lines, the EMSB network consists of 77 schools and centres. For more details, visit the EMSB website at

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