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Success for All Program

Success for All is a whole-school reform strategy that features research-proven tools, cooperative learning to engage students and collaborative leadership for continuous improvement.

The Success for All elementary model includes comprehensive programs for kindergarten and preschool children that promote, develop, and enhance language and literacy skills, mathematical, scientific, listening, and social skills, creative expression, and positive self-esteem. Each program provides young children with an experiential and child-centered curriculum that gives them the necessary foundation for success in elementary school. A balance between child-initiated activities and teacher-directed instruction helps to ensure the development of all areas of growth and development, particularly language and literacy.

What is Success for All?

The Success for All whole-school improvement model weaves together four essential strategies to help ensure the success of our students: 

Leadership for Continuous Improvement:
 School leaders, teachers, and other school staff work in collaboration to set quarterly goals, select leverage points for improvement, measure progress, and celebrate success. An online data-management system makes data accessible to all. 

Schoolwide Support and Intervention Tools: Proven strategies focus on attendance, parental involvement, positive school culture, family needs, health issues, and individual student support and intervention to make sure that students are in school and ready to learn. 

Powerful Instruction: All instruction in Success for All is built around a cooperative-learning framework that engages students in rich discussion and motivating challenges every day. Detailed lesson resources for reading make planning easy and include rich media supports to develop vocabulary, background knowledge, fluency, and discussion skills. Computer-assisted tutoring tools provide individualization and extra time. 

Professional Development and Coaching: Implementation is supported by extensive job-embedded professional development and coaching that enables teachers and school leaders to make the most of the research-proven approach. 

How does it work?

Success for All makes reading the cornerstone of the curriculum. For children to succeed in school, they must be reading on grade level by the end of the third grade and keep building reading skills through secondary school. They also need effective teachers, so SFA includes intensive professional development, ongoing coaching support, and data tools to give teachers feedback on how students are learning and where they need additional instruction or extra help. SFA involves the whole community in implementing effective instruction that is based on the best research on what works. Success for All makes learning fun and engaging for kids and helps teachers become knowledgeable, skilled instructional leaders.

Is Success for All just a reading program?

Success for All is a whole-school reform strategy that engages students and transforms instruction, learning, and school culture. SFA uses reading as its cornerstone because research shows that if kids are not reading on grade level by the end of third grade, they are more likely to continue to struggle in school, repeat grades, act out, and eventually drop out of school. SFAF also offers proven optional programs in math and writing.

SFA Model


KinderCorner is a comprehensive kindergarten program based on research indicating that young children learn best when material is delivered holistically rather than in isolation. Using a thematic approach to learning, KinderCorner addresses all key developmental domains for early learners.


Reading Roots is a ninety-minute comprehensive program that targets the needs  of beginning readers. Reading Roots is a research-based beginning-reading program that provides a strong base for successful reading through systematic phonics instruction supported by decodable stories, along with instruction in fluency and comprehension.


Reading Wings is a research-based reading curriculum that provides ninety-minute daily lessons over a period of five days and targets the needs of students reading on a second- through sixth-grade level who have successfully learned to decode but need to develop more sophisticated reading skills.

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