School Policies & Procedures
Hampstead Elementary
Policies and Procedures are official documents pertaining to the evaluation of student learning. They provide a summary of the evaluation criteria for each subject, and the period during which exams are scheduled. Standards and procedures are updated at the beginning of the school year by teachers and approved by the school principal.
Classes at Hampstead begin at 7:50 am. Students are expected to be punctual. Students who are late for school must report to the main office to get a late slip before going to class. Tardiness without a valid reason will be listed as an unexcused absence. Unexcused lates will be recorded and consequences given to students as follows:
• The first to fourth late in a month: a tardiness slip will be sent home to the parents
• Upon the fifth late: 1-day out-of-school suspension
Acceptable Use Policy of Technology 2024-2025
At Hampstead School, we believe that technology can be a powerful tool to enhance learning, enabling students to access information and collaborate with others across the school, community, and the internet. We believe all students, staff, guardian (s), and parent (s) must be good digital citizens by following standards of acceptable use when using personal or school-owned technology.
All students must have a current Technology User Agreement signed and in place prior to being allowed access to the school network. This declaration is an additional document that outlines the standards of acceptable use for students using a personal or school device. Once signed, it will act as an agreement between Hampstead School, EMSB and the student/parent/guardian.
The Hampstead School Code of Conduct and the EMSB Information and Technologies Access and Acceptable Use policy apply to everyone.
Online Guidelines for the Acquisition of Cloud Apps or Online Services 2024-2025
We wish to inform you that certain information may be stored on non-EMSB servers that reside outside of Quebec and Canada, but that we have reviewed the privacy policies of these app(s)/service(s) and are satisfied that they protect the privacy of your child and do not share information with other third-party services.
Homework is an essential part of our school program particularly in Success for All. It is used to reinforce work done during class time, as well as to provide practice for new skills acquired. Parents and teachers must work together to help children develop good study habits and a responsible attitude towards homework. Every student must read aloud to an adult for a minimum of 20 minutes every night. The “Read & Respond” sheet, or the record form, must be signed by the parents nightly. Math and French homework are an important component of student success also.
Your child should have a quiet place in which to work and a regular timetable that allows adequate time to complete all homework assignments. The suggested times for the average student: K and Cycle 1 is up to 30 minutes; in Cycles 2 and 3, is approximately 60. Daily reading is strongly recommended, both as part of the SFA homework and for enjoyment.
1. Participation in Field Trips is a privilege and not a right. Any student whose behavior in class or outside the class has not been acceptable, will not be allowed to participate.
2. Students must complete all necessary forms before being allowed to participate in any outing.
3. Students who have not paid their school fees in full will not be allowed to participate in any over-night field trips or one-day field trips.
4. The final decision to allow students to participate in any outing rests with the teachers and administration.
Students are not permitted to have cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices in school. Laptops or tablets authorized by the school may be used for learning purposes. All students using such devices are automatically subject to the school’s Acceptable Use Policy
Hampstead Student’s Rights and Responsibilities
I have a RIGHT to be respected as I respect others.
It is my RESPONSIBILITY to listen to instructions, work quietly, raise my hand if I have a question or concern, and to complete assignments. I will cooperate.
I have a RIGHT to listen and be heard.
It is my RESPONSIBILITY not to talk, shout or make loud noises while others are speaking.
I have a RIGHT to be respected as an individual.
It is my RESPONSIBILITY not to tease or bother other people, or to hurt their feelings, but to show respect and consideration for others and their ideas.
I have a RIGHT to be safe.
It is my RESPONSIBILITY not to threaten, kick, punch or physically harm anyone else, and to follow the rules of this school.
I have a RIGHT to enjoy school.
It is my RESPONSIBILITY to have a good attitude and to participate in a way which helps make our school a place where others can enjoy school too.
Students are expected to take responsibility and to be accountable for their behaviour in every aspect of school life. Our mission is to provide a safe and caring learning environment which accepts diversity, promotes cooperation and encourages mutual respect. Our goal is to help children grow to become respectful citizens. Learning is a life-long process that requires discipline and respect. Each individual contributes to the well-being and success of everyone at Hampstead. Parents play an essential role in the education of their children and have the responsibility to support the efforts of the school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students.
We have developed rules for appropriate student behavior. Students have a right to receive a proper education. Students and staff have the right to work in a safe, orderly and respectful environment. The following school rules apply to all students, at all times, regardless of whether they are in class, in the schoolyard, in the lunch program, on the school bus, on a school field trip or part of daycare. Parents are asked to review the rules listed below with their children. The purpose of these rules is to promote student safety and to develop habits of self-control and disciplined behaviour. The administration reserves the right to judge the severity of a situation and to issue the appropriate consequences.
The discipline policy of the school is based on the premise that personal freedom is accompanied by the responsibility to respect the rights of others. Common courtesy, good manners and mutual respect are expected. The development of a sense of self-discipline in each of our students is an important aspect of our discipline policy. Discipline is meaningful when it is self-imposed or self-controlled. In order for any policy to be effective, it is necessary that the school have the support and co-operation of the parents or guardians. When it is clear that a child has acted inappropriately, he/she might be asked to stay in at recess, during lunch, or asked to do a written assignment/reflection sheet for homework. A child who is bussed home will not be kept in after school the same day. The child’s parents will be contacted and arrangements made to have the child stay in another day. While the overall approach toward student behavior is positive, we believe in the use of consequences as a deterrent when assignments are overdue, or when inappropriate behavior, in or out of the classroom, has occurred.
1. Respect for others
- Show respect for all adults and students at all times. Respect includes courtesy, good manners, politeness, cooperation, proper tone of voice and facial expressions.
- Listen to and follow the instructions of teachers, lunch supervisors and other adults responsible for you while you are in school.
2. Violence, Aggression and Dangerous Behaviours
- Violence or aggression will NOT BE TOLERATED. Administration will deal directly with anyone engaged in this type of behaviour. It may result in a suspension.
Bullying (to treat others abusively, repeatedly, especially those who are less powerful) will NOT BE TOLERATED. Bullying as defined by Quebec Bill 56 means any direct or indirect behaviour, comment, act or gesture, including through the use of social media, intended to injure, hurt, oppress, intimidate or ostracize, and includes cyberbullying. Regardless of where the bullying takes place (e.g. cyberbullying occurring at home), it will be addressed by the school if the victim of the abuse feels unsafe and threatened while in school. There will be consequences to the bully as per Hampstead’s Anti-Bullying Plan.
Rude = Inadvertently saying or doing something that hurts someone else.
Mean = Purposefully saying or doing something to hurt someone once (or maybe twice).
Bullying = Intentionally aggressive behaviour, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power.
- Physical abuse such as yelling, pushing, fighting will not be tolerated and will have consequences. These actions do not solve problems. Instead, discuss the problem with the person or ask an adult for help.
- Emotional abuse such as mocking, humiliating and ridiculing will not be tolerated and will have consequences.
- Dangerous behaviour of any kind is not permitted.
3. Respect for Property
- Show respect for the property of others. You must avoid tearing, breaking, and losing any schoolbooks and materials. You will be charged for damaged property. You will be asked to replace and pay for damaged material.
- Do not invade the privacy of other students. Do not go into the locker or desk of another student or any teacher without permission. Ask permission to borrow another person’s pencil, eraser, etc., and return the borrowed item in good condition. Never take something that does not belong to you, that includes the lunches and snacks of others.
- Gum chewing is not permitted anywhere in the school building, on school property or on the bus.
- Jackets, boots, school bags and other items should be placed neatly in the locker area.
- Help keep the floors of the classrooms, the hallways and the schoolyard clean by putting litter in the garbage cans provided.
- When using hallway sink or the washrooms, do not throw or splash water. Remember to keep the washroom clean!
4. Personal Possessions
- Electronic devices such as electronic games, cell phones, pagers, i-pods, MP3s, etc. must NEVER be used on school grounds. These can easily be misplaced, lost or broken and the school will not assume any responsibility for them. If used on school grounds, these items will be confiscated and will be returned after a period of time to be determined by school administration. If a cell phone is required for safety reasons, the student must, upon arrival, leave the cell phone in the possession of the homeroom teacher who will return it to the student at dismissal time.
- Occasionally, for school excursions or special events, digital cameras may be brought to school.
- Toys and trading cards are not to be brought to school. Exceptions may be made at the school’s discretion for special events such as show and tell, day before Christmas holidays, etc.
5. Students must never open any of the school doors to visitors. Visitors are to come by the front door and the office will buzz them in.
6. Please remember that respect for the school schedule and timetable is a priority for us. Students must be on time for school. If late, they must go to the office to pick up a late slip. Frequent lates will result in a letter from the administration indicating when loss of instruction time needs to be made up.
7. Hats, hoods, head wraps/ extra-wide head bands and caps are not to be worn inside the building. Religious head covering is exempt from this rule. Coloured hair is not permitted.
8. Students must dress according to the Hampstead Uniform Policy.
9. At the sound of the entrance, recess and lunch bells, students must line up and be ready to enter the building in a calm and quiet manner.
10. Shouting at any time or running, (except during the gym period) is prohibited in the school building. Movement from class to class must be done in an orderly manner and quickly.
11. Students registered in the Lunch Program must follow all rules which are clearly communicated to them at the beginning of the year. Failure to follow the rules will result in a suspension from the Lunch Program and parents will be responsible for making alternative arrangements for the student’s lunch hour.
12. Winter Play – For safety reasons throwing snowballs is not permitted. Consequences will follow.
Consequences for Inappropriate Behaviour – It is important that all children behave in an appropriate manner so that everyone is able to learn in an environment conducive to excellence. Personal freedom is accompanied by the responsibility to respect the freedom of others. Common courtesy, good manners and mutual respect are expected towards peers, teachers, staff, lunch monitors and others. The development of self-discipline in each of our pupils is important. Discipline is meaningful when it is self-imposed or self-controlled. In order for any policy to be effective, it is necessary that the school have the support and co-operation of parents.
Expected behaviours are encouraged, taught and reinforced at Hampstead School. Every effort is made to guide students in a fair and consistent manner. In cases where students continue to demonstrate inappropriate behaviour, parents will be informed and involved. Consequences may include time-out, detentions, written assignments, loss of privileges, behaviour contracts, etc. In some situations, the school administration may feel that suspension is warranted and may act accordingly. In the case of a suspension, students are not permitted to return to school until a parent has had a face-to-face meeting at the school with the principal.
Many students are transported to and from school by school bus. At the start of the school year, students are assigned by the Transportation Department of the EMSB to a specific bus route based on their address. The students must carry his or her bus pass at all times. We suggest attaching the pass to the child’s school bag in a side pocket. Once bus assignments are made, students are expected to ride on their assigned bus. They are NOT permitted to go on a different bus. As well, if students have received a bus pass and choose to walk home, a written letter of permission from a parent is required. Cell phones, iPads and other electronic devices are not allowed to be used on the school bus.
The school rules and Code of Conduct apply on school buses. Bus drivers report all problems and infractions to the school administration in the form of a bus ticket. Video cameras are installed on some buses for the safety and security of students.
First offence: Letter of warning sent home
Second offence: Suspension from bus for 3 consecutive school days
Third offence: Suspension from bus for 5 consecutive school days
Fourth and every subsequent offence: Suspension from bus indefinitely (length of time determined by the
The Hampstead Governing Board has approved implementation of a school uniform by which all students are required to abide. Clothes worn to school must be appropriate, comfortable and not distracting. Students deemed to be dressed inappropriately will not be allowed in class and will be sent to the office, where they will wait for a parent or guardian to deliver their uniform, or sent home (picked up by a parent/guardian) to change. The purpose of having a uniform for our children is to instill in them a sense of belonging and identity. A uniform is conducive to good behavior and reflects the serious mission of our school. It fosters a positive educational atmosphere that promotes success. We ask for parents’ full cooperation in ensuring students adhere to the Hampstead uniform policy. The administration/staff reserves the right to deem what is acceptable and unacceptable.
Approved Uniform | Clarifications |
Hampstead School polo shirt (long or short sleeve) Hampstead School t-shirt Hampstead School zip-up sweatshirt (with logo) | Students may wear any past version of the HS uniform shirt, so long as the HS crest/logo is present. The HS polo or t-shirt must be worn at all times. |
Solid grey or black dress or khaki pants (no cargo pockets) Hampstead School grey jogging pants Hampstead School burgundy track pants Hampstead School burgundy gym shorts | NO jeans or denim of any color. Jogging pants, track pants, and shorts must have the HS logo/crest. NO unauthorized casual wear such as brand name track pants, yoga pants, or leggings. Leggings for girls may worn ONLY underneath the authorized school skirt. NO brand name logos or colored stitching on dress or khaki pants. |
Girls may wear grey pleated skirts or jumper as provided by the uniform supplier | Skirts may be worn with solid white, grey, black or skin tone leggings or tights. Skirts must be knee length or no more than one inch above the knee. |
Black or white socks, nylons or leotards | Solid colors ONLY. Torn socks, nylons, leotards or fishnet stockings are NOT permitted. |
Sensible shoes that are practical for a busy crowded building, preferably black or white. Running shoes are acceptable. | Running shoes must be worn for gym classes. |
The following are unacceptable at Hampstead School and are therefore not permitted: Excessive make-up and/or piercings; Accessories depicting drugs, violence, racism, alcohol or obscenities; Studs and/or rivets on any part of clothing or accessories; Wallet chains and long key chains. |
To contact our uniform supplier, Triangulum Uniforms, please call 514-738-6660.
Physical Education: On days when students have physical education (gym), they are expected to dress appropriately for activity. For safety reasons, students must be in proper footwear and may not be allowed to participate should they not be. Older students are also encouraged to have a change of shirt to return to class with.
Dress Code for Outdoors
Students will be outdoors throughout the school day: before school, recess, lunch, and periodically for Phys Ed. Please dress your child according to the weather. They need to be dressed for temperatures outdoors throughout the school year. Students are expected to be outdoors for up to 40 minutes at a time. Students are well enough to attend school, are expected to go outside for outdoor play.
Communication between parent(s)/guardians and teachers is important to ensure your child’s success at school. Teachers provide feedback in a variety of ways; report cards, interviews, conferences, written notes, e-mails, and phone calls are the most common.
- Please be respectful in your communications with all staff members (threats and abuse will not be tolerated).
- Please consult your child’s teacher first, as they interact with your child the most. If the problem is not solved, only then should the principal be contacted.
- Teachers are not required to supply work for personal tutors.
