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School Health & Safety Information

Hampstead Elementary School


Hampstead School is committed to your children’s health and safety. As such, we will be following and enforcing EMSB, local, provincial and federal health guidelines. We will communicate specific guidelines at the beginning of the year and periodically, as and when they change.

We do not have the facilities at school to accommodate children who are ill. If your child is not well, you are asked to please keep them at home until better. Whenever a child becomes ill or injured, the family will be advised as soon as possible. Arrangements will be made either to send the student home or to a hospital, if necessary. If parents cannot be reached, the decision to send the child to the hospital will be made by the school. The cost of the ambulance must be assumed by the parent. Parents must take over the care of their child as soon as possible. We require an emergency contact number in case no one is available at home.

Communicable Diseases

Parents are requested to inform the school of diseases such as Covid-19, Scarlet Fever, Chicken Pox, Impetigo, Pediculosis (head lice) or Conjunctivitis (pink eye). Any cases of the above will be brought to the attention of the class parents by the school.

In the event of multiple reports of Pediculosis, a team of volunteers under the direction of the school nurse will check the hair of all students to limit the spread of head lice.

Visiting the School
  • All visitors, including parents, must always enter and exit the school by the front door and must always report to the office. A visitor’s pass will be given out to anyone spending time in the school (volunteers, consultants, workmen, and parents), thus assuring students and staff that the bearer has identified themselves at the office and has legitimate reason
    to be in the building.. Visitors should sign-out and return the pass to the secretary.
  • If you are dropping off an item for your child or leaving a message, the secretary will be pleased to help you and will make sure your child receives the information.
  • Parents are NOT permitted to pick-up or accompany their children to class.
Supervision of Students
  • Please note that there is no supervision in the school yard before 7:40 am and after 2:40 pm.
  • If you pick up your child, please be on time.
  • If you are unavoidably delayed, please call to arrange for your child to be supervised by the daycare (a charge will be applied).
  • Children should not be left in the yard unsupervised either before school or after school.
  • Students who are not picked up by 2:40 pm will be sent to Daycare for a fee of $11.00.
Driving Your Child to School

Drivers must observe and model the following safety rules:

  • All students are expected to walk their bicycles when on school property. Bicycles must be locked and chained to the bike rack. Skateboards, scooters, and rollerblades are not permitted to be brought to school or used on school property. The school does not assume responsibility for loss or damage.
  • Parents are not permitted to use or park in the school’s parking lot. We have only sufficient room in our parking lot for our staff. Do not let your child walk through the parking lot alone. It is not safe for children. This applies to parents of kindergarten students as well. Please park on the school side of Thurlow Road when dropping off
    your child. Stratford Road is reserved for school buses only. Hampstead security will issue parking tickets to parents who are not adhering to parking guidelines.


Ambulance Fees and Accident Insurance

Parents are encouraged to subscribe to personal accident insurance in case their child gets hurt while participating in physical education and sports or in any other circumstances. Fees incurred for ambulance services, medical/dental/ocular services and any other services related to an injury are the responsibility of the parents and will not be assumed by the school. Parents are encouraged to contact their personal insurance company or any other insurer to get advice and information about accident insurance coverage for their child.

Administering Medication to Students

Administering medication to children is the responsibility of the parents. However, the school will help if:

  • Please note that written permission from parents along with a copy of the prescription with written directions for use and a list of possible side effects from your physician must be submitted to the main office, before any prescribed drugs or medication will be administered to pupils. Medication of any kind, be it prescribed or over the counter, should not be left in the hands of the students.

  • Epi-Pen
    Children who have an Epi-Pen must have it on them at all times. Their Epi-Pen should not be left in their school bag, rather on their person.

Allergies & Allergic Reactions

Unfortunately, many students suffer from severe allergies to nuts and peanuts. Consequently, we ask that your children’s recess snacks and lunches be nut / peanut free. We ask you to please read the labels carefully before putting these foods in your child’s lunch box.

Please note that the school will make every effort to provide nut/peanut free snacks. However, we recommend that students with severe allergies refrain from partaking in the snack program. Parents are reminded to warn their children with severe allergies not to share food with other children. To help us avoid a potential fatal reaction, we urge all parents to please comply strictly with these requests.

Pediculosis (Head Lice)

In the event of multiple reports of Pediculosis, a team of volunteers under the direction of the school nurse will check the hair of all students to limit the spread of head lice.

Emergency Evacuation

With the arrival of winter weather, parents are asked to note the following, regarding storm warnings and the closing of schools:


Notice to shut down the Board’s schools, or to cancel bussing because of snow storms, will be broadcast by major radio stations and Twitter @EnglishMTL, beginning at 6:30 in the morning. If a shutdown announcement is not heard by 7:00 a.m., parents may assume that the school will remain open.


If schools are open, but weather conditions force an early closing, the shutdown will be timed around the lunch hour. Information to this effect will be broadcast beginning at about 11:00 a.m. Announcements will only be made to indicate closings. Every effort will be made to contact parents. It is important that the school is kept informed of changes in contact numbers.


Power failures, etc. may force the closure of the school during the school day. Parents are urged to plan for emergencies by arranging for a neighbor or friend to receive their child if they are at work. Your child needs to know his phone number and be aware of the emergency plan.


Should the evacuation of the building ever be necessary for safety reasons, the students will be taken to the following location:

Irving Adessky Community Center (Chalet at Hampstead Park)
30 Lyncroft, Hampstead


Once at the evacuation center, parents will be contacted to be notified of the emergency. They will be asked to pick up their children. If it is late enough in the day, bussed children will be sent home on the normal school bus route and the parents of non-bussed children will be contacted.


Students must never open any of the school doors to visitors. Visitors are to come by the front door where the school secretary will let them in.

At the sound of the entrance, recess and lunch bells, students must line up and be ready to enter the building in a calm and quiet manner.

Shouting at any time or running, (except during the gym period) is prohibited in the school building. Movement from class to class must be done in an orderly manner and quickly.

Winter Play – For safety reasons throwing snowballs is not permitted. Consequences will follow.

Students registered in the Lunch Program must follow all rules which are clearly communicated to them at the beginning of the year. Failure to follow the rules will result in a suspension from the Lunch Program and parents will be responsible for making alternative arrangements for the student’s lunch hour.

School Bus Safety

There are rules that must be followed by pedestrians and drivers to help keep students safe while riding the school bus. See below for safety tips:

School Bus Tranportation; A Shared Responsibility (SAAQ) (PDF)Did you see me? School Transportation Safety Campaign

CSSS Cavendish

Services are provided by the CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Ile-de-Montreal, CLSC De Benny Farm.

6484 Monkland Avenue, 514-484-7878