Homework is an essential part of our school program particularly in Success for All. It is used to reinforce work done during class time, as well as to provide practice for new skills acquired. Parents and teachers must work together to help children develop good study habits and a responsible attitude towards homework. Every student must read aloud to an adult for a minimum of 20 minutes every night. The “Read & Respond” sheet, or the record form, must be signed by the parents nightly. Math and French homework are an important component of student success also.
Your child should have a quiet place in which to work and a regular timetable that allows adequate time to complete all homework assignments. The suggested times for the average student: K and Cycle 1 is up to 30 minutes; in Cycles 2 and 3, is approximately 60. Daily reading is strongly recommended, both as part of the SFA homework and for enjoyment.